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Гаранция за най-добра цена!

Thermal Margaret Island

A health & wellness oasis in the heart of Budapest

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Гаранция за най-добра цена!

Thermal Margaret Island

4 Star Superior Hotel

Термална вода
Лечебна кал

Situated on beautiful Margaret Island, the quiet leisure paradise in the heart of thermal baths Budapest and a stone’s throw away from the bustling life of the Hungarian capital. The possibilities are endless in this up-and-coming metropolis and legendary spa destination.

Registration number: SZ22051354

Здравни услуги
Зали за срещи
Подземен паркинг
Подходящо за домашни любимци
СПА център
24-часова рецепция
Уелнес услуги

Explore The Hotel

At the Spa & Medical Centre you will find peace and quiet after a busy day of sightseeing or business meetings, tailored personal fitness programme, wonderful relaxation with a wide range of spa and beauty treatments and of course professional medical attention to restore and protect your health.
Explore Spa
At the Spa & Medical Centre you will find peace and quiet after a busy day of sightseeing or business meetings, tailored personal fitness programme, wonderful relaxation with a wide range of spa and beauty treatments and of course professional medical attention to restore and protect your health.
Explore Spa

Waking up to the sound of birds singing in the centre of a vibrant city is far from an everyday experience! Try it out for yourself in one of our 285 comfortable rooms. Our rooms command stunning views of the island park’s lush greenery, the water tower, or the majestically flowing Danube river. Our premium rooms will meet even the most exacting of requirements.

Explore Rooms

Waking up to the sound of birds singing in the centre of a vibrant city is far from an everyday experience! Try it out for yourself in one of our 285 comfortable rooms. Our rooms command stunning views of the island park’s lush greenery, the water tower, or the majestically flowing Danube river. Our premium rooms will meet even the most exacting of requirements.

Explore Rooms
Whether you are looking for a spa holiday, a relaxing time-out with your partner, a family holiday that combines entertainment with activity and well-being or a special programme to protect or restore your health, make sure to take a look at our convenient packages and special deals.
Explore Offers
Whether you are looking for a spa holiday, a relaxing time-out with your partner, a family holiday that combines entertainment with activity and well-being or a special programme to protect or restore your health, make sure to take a look at our convenient packages and special deals.
Explore Offers
Budapest’s many historic spas and 120 hot thermal springs map the city’s history to the 19th century Széchenyi Thermal Baths, a complex of 21 pools and the most photographed spa in Europe, to its epithet as the world’s ‘Spa City’, which Budapest was called in the 1930s. To this day, the Hungarian capital is home to the largest, oldest and grandest spas in all of Europe.
Explore Activities
Budapest’s many historic spas and 120 hot thermal springs map the city’s history to the 19th century Széchenyi Thermal Baths, a complex of 21 pools and the most photographed spa in Europe, to its epithet as the world’s ‘Spa City’, which Budapest was called in the 1930s. To this day, the Hungarian capital is home to the largest, oldest and grandest spas in all of Europe.
Explore Activities
With its old-fashioned elegance and high quality services, Margaret Island is a popular venue for holding corporate events, business meetings, cocktail parties and receptions of all sizes.
Explore Events
With its old-fashioned elegance and high quality services, Margaret Island is a popular venue for holding corporate events, business meetings, cocktail parties and receptions of all sizes.
Explore Events


Meals to Remember
Platán restaurant
Boróka Bar
Special Diet?
Meals to Remember
International dishes, flavours of home cooking, traditional meals and healthy food can all be found on our buffet tables and menus.
Meals to Remember
International dishes, flavours of home cooking, traditional meals and healthy food can all be found on our buffet tables and menus.
Platán restaurant

Our recently renovated Platán Restaurant offers a rich buffet breakfast, which you can enjoy at our outdoor terrace from spring through autumn, and ultimate dining with healthy and delicious food from our open kitchen.

Platán restaurant

Our recently renovated Platán Restaurant offers a rich buffet breakfast, which you can enjoy at our outdoor terrace from spring through autumn, and ultimate dining with healthy and delicious food from our open kitchen.

Boróka Bar

We offer an assortment of light snacks, salads and fresh, healthy meal options before you set off for a stroll around town. Join us for afternoon tea and enjoy a selection of delicious pastries, ice creams, coffees and teas. We also invite you to stop by even if you are not staying at the hotel! 

Boróka Bar

We offer an assortment of light snacks, salads and fresh, healthy meal options before you set off for a stroll around town. Join us for afternoon tea and enjoy a selection of delicious pastries, ice creams, coffees and teas. We also invite you to stop by even if you are not staying at the hotel! 

Special Diet?
You refrain from eating meat or have special wishes for your diet? It goes without saying that the kitchen will cater to your individual dietary requirements. Just let us know at the time of booking or any time before your arrival and our kitchen team will be happy to adjust to your special requests.
Special Diet?
You refrain from eating meat or have special wishes for your diet? It goes without saying that the kitchen will cater to your individual dietary requirements. Just let us know at the time of booking or any time before your arrival and our kitchen team will be happy to adjust to your special requests.

Как можем да Ви помогнем

Мускули, кости и стави
Кожа и алергии
Вътрешни органи и метаболизъм
Дишане и дихателни пътища
Нервна система
Гинекология и женско здраве
Онкология и ракови заболявания
Урология и простата
Храносмилателни разстройства

Мускули, кости и стави

Здравословни проблеми:

Болки в гърба, ставите, врата, раменете, таза, артрит, ревматизъм, остеопороза, дегенеративни заболявания, следоперативно възстановяване, мускули, кости и стави


Функционални тренировки и физиотерапия, раздвижване и противовъзпалителни процедури, минерална вода или лечебна кал за облекчаване на болката и повишаване на подвижността.

Кожа и алергии

Здравословни проблеми:

Кожни заболявания, псориазис, невродермит, атопична екзема, акне


Бани с вода и кал, съдържаща солена вода, мехлеми и фототерапии, които помагат за облекчаване на симптомите на кожните заболявания.

Вътрешни органи и метаболизъм

Здравословни проблеми:

Метаболизъм, вътрешни органи и метаболизъм, кръвоносни съдове, имунна система, съединителна тъкан


Лечебни питейни и спа процедури, сухи бани с газ и инхалации, които облекчават симптомите и развиват способността на тялото да се лекува самостоятелно.

Дишане и дихателни пътища

Здравословни проблеми:

Дишане и дихателни пътища, хронични респираторни проблеми, алергии, настинки, инфекции на дихателните пътища


Леченията с инхалации с природни средства като соли и етерични масла са много успешни за облекчаване на симптомите.


Здравословни проблеми:

Кръвообращение, високо кръвно налягане, артериосклероза


Здравословни и спа процедури, здравословна среда, програми с целеви занимания и функционални тренировки, здравословна диета и отпускащи процедури, придружени от медицинска грижа.

Нервна система

Здравословни проблеми:

Нервна система, парализа, соматосензорни разстройства


Целева рехабилитация, стабилизиране или вторично трениране на научени функции за постигане на висока степен на независимост.

Гинекология и женско здраве

Здравословни проблеми:

Гинекология, менструални оплаквания, уринарна инконтиненция, рехабилитация след гинекологични операции.


Лечебният торф има антибактериални свойства, стимулира кръвообращението и има антиспазматичен ефект, с което успокоява различни гинекологични разстройства.

Онкология и ракови заболявания

Здравословни проблеми:

Онкология, рак на гърдата, хронична левкимия, множествен миелом, лимфом


Укрепване на имунната система, повишаване на издръжливостта, успокояване на психиката – това са само част от ползите за онкоболните.

Урология и простата

Здравословни проблеми:

Урология, пикочен мехур, простата, бъбреци


Лечебни питейни процедури и спа, сухи бани с газ и инхалации, които облекчават симптомите и развиват способността на тялото да се лекува самостоятелно.

Храносмилателни разстройства

Здравословни проблеми:

Храносмилателни разстройства


Лечебни питейни процедури и спа, сухи бани с газ и инхалации, които облекчават симптомите и развиват способността на тялото да се лекува самостоятелно.

Award 1


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Award 1Award 2Award 3