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Mariánské Lázně Spa History

200 years of spa tradition

Combines 200 years of spa tradition with modern treatments

The City of 40 healing springs

One of the most popular destinations in the Czech Republic is Mariánské Lázně. An architectural gem with 200 years of cultural tradition, it also has a trove of healing springs. Follow in the footsteps of Goethe, Chopin, King Edward VII of England, and Marienbad’s many other famous guests and spend a few restful days here. 

The treatment centres, spa hotels, and parks you see today stand on what used to be a wild, uninhabited forest full of natural springs and bogs. The healing powers of these springs were already known by the Middle Ages.

King Ferdinand I had the salt content of the healing springs investigated in 1528

By the end of the 18th Century, Dr Josef Nehr, a doctor from Teplá Monastery, studied the health effects of these “mineral waters”. He commissioned the building of the first treatment centre, named “The Golden Ball”.

From 1817 to 1823, Abbot Karel Kašpar Reitenberger oversaw the creation of the independent municipality of Marienbad. He invested in the excavation of bathing areas and had parks installed, which led his fellow monks to banish him to Tyrol. In 1818, Mariánské Lázně opened to the public as a resort town. Throughout the 19th century, Mariánské Láznē mineral baths continued to gain fame and popularity. The town grew but maintained its original character.

Mariánské Lázně Golden Era

The end of the 1800s and beginning of the 20th century marked the height of Mariánské Lázně golden era. Important nobility, industrialists, and artists summered in the resort town. King Edward VII of England travelled to Marienbad, as did his Austrian counterpart Emperor Franz Josef I and Russia’s Czar Nicholas II. 

Famous guests like Thomas Alva Edison, Richard Wagner, Maxim Gorki, and Johann Strauss sought inspiration here; romances brought, and kept, Goethe and Chopin; Gustav Mahler, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alfred Nobel, Franz Kafka, and Rudyard Kipling also enjoyed the famous spa treatments or strolled through the expansive parks. 

Even after the end of the First World War and the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Mariánské Láznē remained a beloved resort and maintained its historic splendour. The Second World War, however, sharply reduced spa tourism. 

Nationalised Bath Houses

During Communist rule in the Czech Republic, Mariánské Lázně bath houses were nationalised and became health resorts for socialist workers. In the 1950s, 40,000 guests were treated here each year. The lack of investment in the infrastructure, despite such heavy use, led the baths to become outdated and fall into disrepair.

Restored, modern, and pleasant

After the collapse of Communism, great efforts were made to restore Mariánské Lázně original character, and the buildings and facilities were successively renovated, modernised, and opened to international guests. Surrounded by green nature, contemporary Mariánské Lázně is an architectural jewel, a mosaic of parks, handsome neo-classical and Art Nouveau buildings, and natural springs surrounded by colonnades and pavilions. Today, Mariánské Lázně is once again a renowned spa town which draws visitors with a wide range of treatments, beautiful architecture, and unspoiled nature. 

40 Springs

Patients with all sorts of ailments make the pilgrimage to Mariánské Lázně. There are over 40 natural mineral springs here. The six most important springs have very different benefits.


Forest Spring

The Forest Spring in the park behind the theatre is known for treating respiratory problems. Patients with chronic bronchitis find the water helps them clear their airways. It can also help dissolve uric acid kidney stones and soothe digestive problems.


Rudolph Spring

The water of the Rudolph Spring is rich in calcium and magnesium. It is used to treat urinary tract inflammations and osteoporosis. 


Cross Spring

The oldest spring in this spa town has very salty and highly mineral water. This water is used for treating gallbladder, liver, and salivary gland ailments, as well as for fighting congestion.


Ambrosius Spring

Thanks to its high iron content, this healing water used to be a treatment for anaemia. Today, it is mostly used for phosphate kidney stone therapy. English guests also call this spring the “Spring of Love” because according to legend, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe frequently visited the Ambrosius Spring during his final romance with Ulrike von Levetzow. Those who wish to fall in love, legend has it, should drink from Ambrosius Spring.


Karolina Spring

This spring is known for its high levels of magnesium and sodium. The spring mainly treats patients with urological problems or kidney stones. 


Ferdinand Spring

The water at the Ferdinand Spring is rich in mineral salts and encourages the production of digestive salt. Under medical supervision, it can also be therapeutic to drink.


Take a Gas Bath

The local natural gas, called “Marien” gas, gave the city its name. This gas is composed of 99.7% CO2 and is absorbed by the body through the skin. It lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation, and improves kidney function. It is also used to diminish the symptoms of menopause. Try it in a gas wrap, gas jet, or with oxygen therapy in a gas tub. You can enjoy all of these gas treatments exclusively with us at the “Maria Spa”.

Healing Peat

The peat used in Mariánské Láznē comes from the region around the resort town. It is used in wraps, packs, and baths to treat rheumatisms, arthritis, and motor issues, and also improves circulation and reduces cellulite.

Enchanting Mariánské Lázně

In Mariánské Lázně, healing water isn’t the only thing that’s multi-faceted. The resort town’s enchanting atmosphere, natural beauty, and hospitality will win you over.

Experience an unforgettable spa or wellness holiday.


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