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Balneotherapy, Thermotherapy

Peat Pack

What is a peat pack

The procedure is similar to the mud pack, in that the peat is applied to the respective body parts at a temperature of between 40-42°C and the patient is then wrapped completely with sheets and blankets for a period of 20 minutes. The peat is then hosed off and the treatment may be completed by a 15-minute relaxation in a dry wrap. 

How a peat pack helps 

The heat from the peat improves the local blood circulation and metabolism, softening the muscles/connective tissues, relieving pain and having an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, a peat pack is a suitable pretreatment before a massage or therapeutic exercises. 

More information about treatment including indications and contraindications

In our locations where no natural thermal mud exists, like in Marienbad (CZ), peat has been used as a natural healing source over 200 years. Peat contains a considerable amount of organic matter (from vegetation growing on peat bogs and moorlands), whereas mud is mostly composed of various mineral substances. The biologically active organic substances stimulate the formation of new capillaries in the tissues thus improving their blood supply and subsequently their metabolism and function. The organic acids contained in the peat stop the growth of bacteria on the skin surface.

Peat has been effectively used for the treatment of infertility and normalisation of sexual dysfunctions in both men and women. Peat packs may also be applied in the treatment of psoriasis or atopic eczema.

Advisable for:

Musculoskeletal diseases, orthopaedic and accident rehabilitation, some digestive dysfunctions, kidney and urinary tract disorders, certain diseases of the respiratory tract, certain skin diseases, infertility and gynaecological problems, neurological diseases.

Not advisable for:

Infectious diseases, fever, acute inflammation, shortness of breath, untreated or uncontrolled hypertension, epilepsy, acute thrombosis, phlebitis, leg ulcers and other skin defects, endometriosis, uterine myoma, skin cancer (recent or past), untreated thyroid problems or hyperthyroidism, incontinence, pregnancy, psychosis, alcohol or drug abuse, severe cardiovascular disease, malignant tumours and blood disorders, pathological cervical screening (pap smear), incapacitation.


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