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Physical Therapy, Electromagnetic Field

Magnetic Therapy

What is magnetic therapy
Magnetic therapy uses only the magnetic part of the electromagnetic field for healing purposes. The treated body part is exposed to an artificial magnetic field that induces weak electric changes in the tissues. The magnetic field used in medicine is usually pulsating and it is applied via various types of applicators depending on the nature and location of the health problems (magnetic pads, blanket, cylinder). During the application of a pulsating magnetic field, the patient usually feels no special perception (no heat, sound nor tingling). The patient is dressed during the procedure. The treatment may be provided even in case of non-metallic bandages, casts or braces in place.

How magnetic therapy helps
The magnetic field affects the cellular metabolism so that it works more efficiently, along with improved blood flow – this results in the regeneration of cells, thereby supporting the healing process (proven in broken bones and sprained joints). Moreover, the magnetic field also suppresses pain and swelling, relieves muscle contractions and enhances immune processes in the body.

More information about treatment including indications and contraindications

While undergoing magnetic therapy, one may experience various side effects: sleepiness and deep relaxation during individual sessions are common, so that one may feel dizzy or even collapse after sudden sitting or standing up. So take your time after the procedure. One may also experience headaches, nausea or diarrhoea. Unless these conditions are very severe, they do not substantiate the interruption of magnetic therapy as they usually pass quickly. Patients with joint or back pains may experience a temporary worsening of their condition at the beginning of the therapeutic series. This later disappears and the pains subside considerably.

Advisable for:

Pain relief in inflammatory, degenerative and traumatic conditions (e.g. fractures, sprains, arthrosis, backaches, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome), reduction of swelling (injuries, lymphatic oedema), decreased tissue metabolism (in diseases of peripheral nerves and arteries, diabetes mellitus)

Not advisable for:

Pain relief in inflammatory, degenerative and traumatic conditions (e.g. fractures, sprains, arthrosis, backaches, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome), reduction of swelling (injuries, lymphatic oedema), decreased tissue metabolism (in diseases of peripheral nerves and arteries, diabetes mellitus)


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