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Physical Therapy, Ultrasound

Ultrasound Therapy

What is ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound therapy uses sounds of a high frequency and intensity that are converted to mechanical and heat energy. The treatment is administered by placing the application head of the device in continuous or pulse application onto the skin, which has been given a coating of conductive gel. In some cases, the ultrasound treatment may be performed in a water container, where both the treated body part and the device head are placed under water. The depth of impact varies between 2-6 cm. The site, mode, length and frequency of application must be prescribed by a doctor. The treatment procedure may be delivered by a physiotherapist or a trained nurse and usually lasts up to 12 minutes.

How ultrasound therapy helps

About one third of the ultrasound energy is absorbed in the molecules and results in a type of micro-massage in the targeted tissues, warming them up. This brings about muscle relaxation as well as improved blood circulation and tissue metabolism. Subsequently, pain, stiffness and swelling are reduced. The ultrasound waves further enhance certain chemical reactions in the connective tissues that lead to the better healing of bruises and the softening of stiff tissues.

More information about treatment including indications and contraindications

Combination Ultrasound Therapy

A combined physical therapy procedure in which we apply ultrasound and electrotherapy (interference, TENS) at the same time. One plate electrode is placed on the surface of the body opposite the treated area, while the active electrode is replaced by the ultrasound handpiece and applied to the painful area. The simultaneous application of ultrasound and electric waves is especially suitable for finding and treating painful trigger points in the muscles. It considerably relieves pain and local stiffness. In all cases, the frequency and intensity of the treatment is specified according to a doctor’s prescription.

Advisable for:

Chronic inflammation, pain or swelling of all connective tissues (joints and their capsules, ligaments, tendons, muscles), healing of bruises and sprained joints, chronic stiffness of sinews (Dupuytren’s contractures, Achilles tendon), peripheral blood circulation disorders (Raynaud, Buerger, and Sudeck diseases), hard skin scars

Not advisable for:

Acute injury or bruise up to 72 hours from its occurrence, any acute inflammation, metallic implant at the site of application (pacemaker, screws, joint replacements), infectious diseases, fever, untreated or uncontrolled hypertension, acute thrombosis, leg ulcers and other skin defects at the site of application, abdomen during menstruation, endometriosis, shortness of breath, pregnancy, psychosis, alcohol or drug abuse, malignant tumours (at the site of application, elsewhere possible), blood disorders, incapacitation


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