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Physical therapy, Electromagnetic field

Interferential Currents

What are interference currents Interferential currents are

usually produced by applying electrodes in a crossed position so that the current flowing between one pair of electrodes flows deep into the tissue along with the current flowing between the other pair of electrodes. At the point of intersection, the currents interfere, producing a new current with a curative effect. It can be enhanced by applying currents through suction cups, which exerts a micro-massage on the surface tissues. 

Benefits of interference currents

The effect of this procedure depends on the frequency of the interference currents. Frequencies in the range of 1-100 Hz determine the most varied results - reduction of swelling, improvement of lymphatic and blood perfusion, twitching of damaged muscles (used as muscle gymnastics), stimulation of lazy bladder, reduction of stress incontinence. Higher frequencies, up to 130 Hz, relieve pain, and even higher frequencies, 150-200 Hz, cause muscle relaxation.


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