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Ursina Activities

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Sovata, Romania

Bear Lake - the heliothermal lake, with salt water, unique in Europe.

Bear Lake lies on a salt foundation. It was formed between 1875 and 1880. On the bottom of the lake, the salt concentration reaches 300g / l, a value comparable to that of the Dead Sea, which gradually decreases to the surface. The salt water is covered by a layer of 10-15 cm of fresh water from rainfall and streams around the lake. This layer acts as a thermal barrier, concentrating the sun's rays like a lens to a depth of 2 meters. This phenomenon is called heliothermia.

The salt water from Ursu Lake contains 150 g / l of salt, cations (Ca, Mg, K, Fe), anions (bromine, iodine, SO4, HCO3) and organic components - auxins, similar to estrogen and progesterone. The latter are secreted by the saltwater crustacean Artemia salina. At the same time, water and mud have antiallergic, bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, emollient, anti-inflammatory (analgesic, increases joint mobility, relaxes muscles).

Both salt and auxin are absorbed during treatment through the skin and mucous membranes, and integrate into the body. This explains the beneficial, prolonged effect of treatments for various chronic diseases: locomotor, gynaecological, respiratory, neurological and dermatological. Discover Sovata and Bear Lake, the ideal places where you can relax and recharge well and healthily.


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