Balneotherapy, Thermotherapy
Mud Pack
What is a mud pack
The most characteristic feature of mud is its good heat storage and long cooling time. The temperature of the mud pack is usually 38-42°C, but the doctor can prescribe a different temperature. The mud pack is applied on the areas of the body and joints as specified by the doctor. The body is then wrapped into an insulating sheet and a dry linen sheet. After 20 minutes, the mud is washed off, and a 15-minute dry body pack follows to complete the beneficial effects of the whole procedure.
How a mud pack helps
Warmth dilates the blood vessels and accelerates the metabolism. As a consequence, the treatment eases chronic inflammation. The warmth also relaxes stiff muscles and tendons and relieves cramps. The treatment eases the swelling of joints, muscular tension, and improves the nutrient supply of the skin, all connective tissues and also the spinal discs. Furthermore, it strengthens the body’s anti-inflammatory and immune processes. In addition to musculoskeletal disorders, the mud is also suitable for the treatment of certain skin disorders.
Medical prescription: required