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Terms & Conditions

Ensana Life

Membership enrolment

The membership starts after the guest receives an activation email, has agreed on terms and conditions and has successfully activated the membership via the provided link (provided consent to join the program and accept the general terms and conditions), or has been granted access to a higher membership level after the latest stay in an Ensana hotel. Ensana will store its members guest data and will use it solely and only for Ensana legitimate business purposes.

Legal entities, persons under 18 years of age, employees of Ensana or its affiliates cannot become members of the “Ensana Life” program. Ensana accepts the responsibility to handle the data entered on the Ensana Life online platform. Data provided during the enrolment process will be maintained while participation in the program remains in effect. For the Ensana Data Protection Guide click here. Members of the Ensana Life program may possess only one valid card at one time. Benefits of membership cannot be shared, transferred to any other individual, or company.


Access member area with your active email address here and then download your card again.

You will be able to download your card as a virtual card image, or directly into your android/apple e-wallet.


Access member area and check your status on the Ensana Life Membership platform. If you need further help please contact us at ensana.life@ensanahotels.com. Due to privacy regulations we will not provide any private information except to your registered email.


Ensana Loyalty Program members will be provided with a special promotion code (in your activation email), which they should use during the booking process. This promotion code will entitle members to the relevant discount on the hotel accommodation (flash sales, corporate, or any other special contracted rates are not entitled to any discount)

Benefits and discounts must be claimed at the time of booking. 

Guests are required to provide their name, membership number and promotional code at the time of booking. Benefits and discounts cannot be claimed retrospectively.

The particular benefits and discounts applied at the time of booking will be in accordance with the membership level at the time of booking.


You may cancel your Ensana Life Loyalty Program membership at any time, cancellation of membership can be initiated by emailing us at ensana.life@ensanahotels.com. Ensana terminates the Ensana Life Loyalty program membership if:

  1. the member violates the program’s terms and conditions
  2. in any case of misuse, related to a membership card’s benefits & discounts
  3. the member cancels the membership in writing via email to ensana.life@ensanahotels.com 
  4. the member does not give approval to the handling of his/her data, or revokes Ensana’s ability to do so

Benefits of the Ensana Life membership cannot be used, or transferred by/to any other individual, or company. 


Ensana reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of Ensana Life Loyalty Membership program. Ensana reserves the right to cancel the Ensana Life Loyalty Membership program unilaterally, with 90 days notice. After the 90-day cancellation period, further enrolments will not be available, and members can only use the benefits they have already been confirmed.


We are delighted that you joined the Ensana Life program, but if you have any further question, or request; please feel free to contact us at ensana.life@ensanahotels.com 


.يرجى الاتصال بنا بخصوص أي سؤال يتعلق بفنادقنا أو خدماتنا في Ensana. للأسئلة والأجوبة المتعلقة ببرنامج الولاء الخاص بنا ، يرجى النقر هنا
طرح سؤال


.أرسل لنا استفسارك ، من أجل إعداد أفضل عرض ممكن لك. سنكون سعداء لمشاركة أي معلومات أخرى لم تجدها على موقعنا
إرسال استفسار


.احجز أفضل عروضنا هنا. إذا كنت ترغب في الانضمام إلى برنامج الولاء الخاص بنا للحصول على مزيد من الخصومات أو المزايا ، أو ترغب فقط في تلقي رسائل إخبارية حول جميع الأخبار ، انقر هنا
احجز الآن